Sunday, November 13, 2016
Clinton Supporters=Rebel Slaveholders
I have just read on MSN NEWS, some Clinton supporters are planning to protest the electoral college voting President-Elect Trump into office. I immediately recalled the 1861 protesters of President Lincoln's electoral college vote. My family members, with other loyal Amalgamated Americans, calling ourselves "UNIONISTS," killed these protesters as rebel slaveholders. Lincoln's 1865 electoral college vote was also noteworthy. Please check this for accuracy. This electoral college openly discussed one voting member NOT voting as required by their State's laws, to ensure only President Washington would be the only President ever voted in unanimously. I remember the inauguration of Bush 43,and reading VP Gore's lips speaking to Bill "Buba" Clinton, "You asshole! But for you, that would be me." Everyone knows of the "judicial misconduct" associated with the 2001 electoral college vote, (Yes, I'm still working on correcting this misconduct.), but few acknowledge Mr. Gore's Patriotism! "I regret I have but one Presidency to give for my Country?" I have seen pictures of President Truman holding the Tribune headline "DEWEY WINS!" In 1948, the pollsters failed to calculate the equalizing factors of the Electoral College has on the Popular Vote.
I'm grossly offended by pollsters protecting their confidence game, especially the 1948 Presidential Election, with claims the American Voters are liars. Perhaps we should legislative prohibitions against election polls? At least the U.S. Presidential Elections? With mandatory punitive Million dollar judgments against violators?
I've heard some express the idea "term limits" will reduce election fraud. I disagree. I think the President's 2.5 term limit should be removed. Illinois could another Everett McKinley Dirksen as SENATOR. Simply stated, Our Country could use another FDR, (1933-1945), another General WASHINGTON, (1775-1797), nowadays, and in the future.
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