I am a descendant of Irish/French Americans that settled in the Chicago area in 1743. Three generations of my family fought in the Revolutionary War. We, as French Citizens, answered Paul Revere's call to arms, and fought with "The Greens." I am sending this alarm to all Americans. Especially to registered voters!
A Rose is a Rose, and by any other name would smell as sweet. A war crime is a war crime, and by any other name, water-boarding is torture, and is foul, unlawful and violates the Geneva Conventions as any torture would. We, as Americans, as a people, must prosecute Bush #43, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice, et.al., for violations of the "Anti-Nuremberg Defense Act." We hung the Nazis that claimed they were "following orders!" All Americans, especially active-duty military, have the lawful duty to refuse to follow unlawful orders that violate anothers' human [civil] rights. We should seize all trust(s) and personal assets, worldwide, of the war criminals from the Bush (43) administration. Why do You think Gen. Powell resigned?
Pursuant to the U.S. Constitution there is no state sanctioned (official) religion. Logic dictates that the war on terrorism is a persecution of adherents to the ISLAMIC faith! We, as Americans, and a people, must not participate in this unlawful action. PLEASE!!! Write, e-mail or call The Obama white house to ask congress to revoke the declaration of war on the Islamic religion worldwide. The same for Your Senators, (Burris & Durbin, IL). Request Your congressman, (Bobby Rush, mine,) with-hold funding until declaration is nullified as being presented in bad faith (by Bush & Cheney), or unlawful and UN-Constitutional persecution of a religion.
Rick Welch aka tsmaker