Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Let’s hurt the American financial services industry Blogs : "Since the time of Hammurabi, ignorance of the law is no excuse. If any Reuters Employee, Manager or Director refuses to publish this blog, edits this blog, or fails to pass this blog up the chain of command after reading this blog, in the hopes Judith will read it, would be liable for all charges, pursuant to Corporate Accountability Statutes, should Judith require me to press my claims in a court of law. Such is also true for any Thompsen Financial or West Law Publishing associate.
As to hurting the American Financial Services Industry? America invented many great things…The steam ship. The telephone. The first oil well in the world. The airplane. The Internet was invented by an American. But we did not invent Fraud…crime. The tale of “The King’s New Clothes” is a European creation. Now the one boy’s laughter, and shouting “The King is naked?” is an American action. But sadly, we did not invent laughter.
Gov. Long, (LA), was assassinated for reminding Americans each and every single individual voter, as a matter of Law, is sole sovereign of this Great Republic, with no authority over anybody. Everyone is equal before the law. Everyone is King.( Curious Long’s assassin was a law student son of a judge, not descended from a French settler and pioneer.) Each of us must press his own claim of sovereignty.
Is it lawful for a Trustee to claim ownership of a trust, or to deplete the res of the trust due to his mis-management? I think it is a crime. What do you think?
- Posted by tsmaker"
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Let’s hurt the American financial services industry | Blogs |
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Let’s hurt the American financial services industry Blogs : "and cancel any and all assignments, conditional or unconditional, of my ownership rights and beneficiary interests in said trust. I revoke, rescind, cancel and void any, and all, modifications, both known and unknown, to the original Trust, except modifications that increase, enlarge or benefit the res of the original Trust. Additionally, notice and demand for a full accounting of the Trust and chargeable Trustee fees is given this day, April 14, 2009, to begin within a reasonable time. All Co-Trustees, if any, directors, employees, agents, vendors or service providers are directed to comply with their fiduciary duties in assisting and facilitating Judith Thompsen (Thomsen) with the transfer of Trust directorial authority and accounting. Forthwith, WestLaw publishing will re-activate the web-site account for legal research, which is an extension of the subject matter of the original Trust, having both my last name and Social Security number. WestLaw will restart the shipping of legal publications, as printed, free of charge, to St. Ethelreda’s School Law Library, 8746 S. Paulina Ave., Chicago, IL, (The grammar school Judith and I attended). All parties, Supervisors of the school, are instructed to assist both Judith and myself in the accounting and transfer processes."
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Let’s hurt the American financial services industry | Blogs |
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Let’s hurt the American financial services industry Blogs : "example;…WestLaw Publishing entered into a trust agreement with an individual American citizen. Judith Thompsen, the daughter of a Chicago policeman, was designated as Trustee. Judith used the res of said trust to create “Thompsen Financial.” Thompsen Financial gained ownership of WestLaw Publishing. Later in the last century, WestLaw-Thomsen Financial purchased Thomson Reuters Worldwide, including the Scottish title associated thereto. (I reserve for later discussion, the value of said title, as Charles Windsor publicly abdicated the British Crown and pledged to dismantle the feudal system on the death of his mother, with the invocation of St. Patrick’s name while speaking Gaelic; versus the U.S. Constitution’s prohibition against aristocracy and titles.)Today, the Trust entity is called Thomson Reuters. Does Reuters own WestLaw, or does WestLaw own Reuters? Is the presentment as Reuters a bad faith concealment of trust assets? Who owns Thomsen Financial? Does Judith Thompson, that daughter of a Chicago policeman, own it all? Or, does the individual American citizen who created the original trust with Westlaw, having beneficial interest and ownership rights with creator and maker interests, own all? I say, Trust Law and the principles of proceeding in all good faith agree, that individual American owns it all!
If I am the aforestated American Citizen…I hereby and herewith claim and assert all ownership and beneficial rights to the res of the Trust created between myself and Westlaw Publishing with all interest, additions and/or increasement accruals thereto. Further, I revoke, rescind"
If I am the aforestated American Citizen…I hereby and herewith claim and assert all ownership and beneficial rights to the res of the Trust created between myself and Westlaw Publishing with all interest, additions and/or increasement accruals thereto. Further, I revoke, rescind"
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Let’s hurt the American financial services industry | Blogs |
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Let’s hurt the American financial services industry Blogs : "second Administration addressed and dealt with a similar financial crisis as we in the U.S. are facing today. Then, before the invention of trucks and superhighways, it was the railroads and barge-lines trying to control the economy and make or break communities by charging more for goods and services, and or,discounting or increasing shipping costs. President Cleveland imposed price controls, nationwide shipping tariffs and signed into law Taft-Hartley.
Today we have banks, hedge funds, money managers, lawyers and insurance companies, in the financial services industry, unlawfully violating their fiduciary obligations with the bad faith depletion of trust funds and commingling those trusts res with personal or third party funds.
The U.S. “Corpus Juris Secondum” is specific that any party proceeding in bad faith ALWAYS has judgment entered against them.
International Trust Law is specific in the prohibition of a Trustee, or party with directorial authority, using that position of trust to gain ownership of the res of the trust.
Both are specific with penalties assessable for commingling even one penny of trust funds.
Both are specific with regards to limits of trustee and caretaker charges on trusts interest income and profits.
Is it lawful for a Trustee to earn ancillary profits by using, (abusing?), said position of trust for the sale of shares or stock in that very position, and or the trust itself, and fail to turn over all income above chargeable caretaker fees to the res of the trust? I think it is not lawful! What do you think?
For example;…WestLaw Publishing entered into a trust agreement with an individual A"
Today we have banks, hedge funds, money managers, lawyers and insurance companies, in the financial services industry, unlawfully violating their fiduciary obligations with the bad faith depletion of trust funds and commingling those trusts res with personal or third party funds.
The U.S. “Corpus Juris Secondum” is specific that any party proceeding in bad faith ALWAYS has judgment entered against them.
International Trust Law is specific in the prohibition of a Trustee, or party with directorial authority, using that position of trust to gain ownership of the res of the trust.
Both are specific with penalties assessable for commingling even one penny of trust funds.
Both are specific with regards to limits of trustee and caretaker charges on trusts interest income and profits.
Is it lawful for a Trustee to earn ancillary profits by using, (abusing?), said position of trust for the sale of shares or stock in that very position, and or the trust itself, and fail to turn over all income above chargeable caretaker fees to the res of the trust? I think it is not lawful! What do you think?
For example;…WestLaw Publishing entered into a trust agreement with an individual A"